Jtaylor Cam Girl

Jtaylor Cam Girl

Jtaylor Cam GirlJtaylor Cam Girl has a beautiful and alluring personality. She is a sexcam performer who captivates the audience. She adds a unique flavor to her live streaming with a mix of natural spontaneity, mature sophistication and an alluring blend of natural spontaneity.

She is a Skywitness News Eight reporter and Buck’s former girlfriend. She is driven by her work and will always pursue the story, no matter what. She can come across as brash, nosy and obnoxious but she has a sensitive side that was damaged due to her traumatizing childhood. She grew up with an abusive father who left her to care for her mother and siblings while he worked. Her mother committed suicide from a sex addiction while her brother was murdered by a group of pranksters on Efnet who teased him for his sexuality.

In “Past is Prologue”, Taylor reveals to Buck that her middle name is Kelly. She meets him again at a bar, and they hook up. They spend some time avoiding each other but eventually Taylor makes her way back to Oklahoma where she runs a story on hospitals losing a lot of vaccines that will be unusable in just hours.

Taylor testified in court that she did not have any of the items discovered in his home, including a tattoo she had. She also said she only gave him one T video. She also denies molesting, fondling or penetrating Doe.